Andy Salmon

Founder Sir Linkalot’s

Andy Salmon

Founder Sir Linkalot’s


Andy Salmon is the creator of the award-winning (Bett Show 2020 – Best Educational App) unique literacy app ‘Sir Linkalot’ that is revolutionising how students (children & adults) learn to spell hundreds of tricky, patternless, non-phonetic words, all the way from Was, They and One up to Fulfil, Manoeuvre and Onomatopoeia. To find out what it’s all about, please type the following in to a search engine (The Future of Spelling).

Many dyslexia associations think it’s groundbreaking as it is a genuine life-saver for students who have an official spelling impairment or who find spelling an issue. Students, whose second language is English, love this visual way of learning as a picture is more likely to stick than letters on a piece of paper.

Andy’s alter ego ‘Sir Linkalot’, has been using these techniques over the last 10 years with 150,000 children (4 to 18 year olds) and 15,000 teachers in his 500 school visits. The app also has animations for rest of the technical side of literacy, i.e vocabulary, homophones, punctuation, grammar, rules and patterns. Susie Dent, resident lexicographer on the national TV quiz show ‘Countdown’, is on the app as the avatar ‘Susie Lexicographer, explaining the etymology of words that have an interesting story to tell. She will be with Andy at the summit on Sunday April 5th at lunchtime.

The primary head in the ‘Future of Spelling’ clip says it all….”Sir Linkalot will become the basis for how our children learn to spell.”

A game-changer.