Debra E.S.Bogle

Author, Principal, Global Innovator, Adjunct Professor/Action Researcher - Academy of the Arts
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Debra E.S.Bogle

Author, Principal, Global Innovator, Adjunct Professor/Action Researcher - Academy of the Arts


Dr. Debra E.S. Bogle has been guiding children and adult learners for over 25 years as a classroom teacher, in elementary, middle , upper school and university classrooms. She is a certified Reading Recovery teacher since 1994. Debra has taught and trained in three countries and five US States as a teacher, director, literacy coach, developer, consultant and activist. She has written the foundational course work for the Literacy Added Authorization at University of Southern California and teaches in the Masters of Teaching program specializing in Special Education across the spectrum of learners and teaching styles. Dr. Bogle has written curriculum for the MAT with a partner teacher and written and re-shaped curricula in the moment, responding to the needs of pre-service teachers and their master teachers. Dr. Bogle serves on several State of California boards in 21st Century Literacy and Global Educational Learning. She is an advisor for Veterans groups and their families and written curricula for programs that seek to help military spouses and children address their competencies with active agency building, social emotional wellbeing, activism and family wellness. She serves on several boards in the veterans and art as activism space. Dr. Bogle is the author of Building Bridges:Curricula Notes The Arts, Equity, Democracy and Inclusion Community Curriculum for Transitional Kindergarten, 2019 and Flower Garden Children, 2019. She has two more publications expected in 2020. Dr. Bogle is active in P.E.O and supports all women having access to rich and meaningful educational experiences.. Dr. Bogle and is a mother of two grown, professional and happy women and a happy and fortunate grandmother.

Building Bridges:Curricula Notes, The Arts, Equity, Democracy and Inclusion TK Community Curriculum

This discussion will focus on the reconceptualisation of aspects of TK-K curriculum, pedagogies and discourse in early childhood environments. The promise of equity may be brought into focus by incorporating New Literacies, Positive Discourse, Collaborative Coaching Cycles for and attention to the environment, roles of the director, teachers, partnerships and expecations of the community.

Building Bridges:Curricula Notes promotes the concept that children develop on an exponential basis and teachers must guide in a conscientious manner while continuously reflecting on the conversations and understandings in the moment. Dr. Bogle argues that we must endeavor to create a child-centered, research-based curriculum that is inclusive, innovative, sensitive, holistic, progressive, global and democratic. Dr. Bogle elaborates on the vital importance of promoting multiple perspectives in each moment, in order to shape dialogue as we embrace, model and refine philosophical and positive discourse with our earliest learners and our greater community of learners. This discussion envisions learning as a series of joyful discoveries that support and encourage as much as prepare children to reach into their creative capacities and develop a lifelong love of learning and a healthy sense of wonder. Dr. Bogle will examine, discourse, philosophy, pedagogy, culturally relevant considerations and the impact of adopting New Literacies as an intrinsic component of a dynamically responsive and inclusively democratic approach to learning that begins in the early years and extends well beyond. Included in this study and discussion is the impact of developing teachers on an exponential basis in an equally conscientious manner via Collaborative Coaching Groups made up of colleagues, specialists, community experts and partners in learning to include the students and the parents in a school community. Attention to the environment, social emotional wellbeing and New Literacies are discussed.

Addressing Our Public, Professional And Passionate – Action Driven Self In Order To Build Democracy

Activation of arts, inclusion, democracy and equity are fostered and holistically modeled as Dr. Bogle promotes the concept that children develop on an exponential basis and teachers must guide in a conscientious manner while continuously reflecting on the conversations and understandings in the moment. Dr. Bogle asks us to personally address our 3 selves, our public, professional and passion/action driven self in an effort to know how these roles come together to shape who we are, what we believe and what motivates and guides us as teachers and learners. She asks us, “What are we doing to encourage expression, freedom, creativity, leadership, democracy, empathy and community, and ultimately, what do we believe about the image of the child and our role in education.?”

Continuing from above: How do we endeavor to create student-centered, research-based, curriculum that is inclusive, innovative, sensitive, holistic, progressive, global and democratic. Dr. Bogle elaborates on the vital importance of promoting multiple perspectives in each moment in order to shape our greater community of learners and set expectations of critical thinkers for life. This discussion envisions learning as a series of joyful discoveries that support and encourage as much as prepare students to reach into their creative capacities and develop a life-long love of learning and a robust sense of wonder. We will examine discourse, philosophy, pedagogy, culturally relevant considerations and the impact of adopting New Literacies as an intrinsic component of a dynamically responsive and inclusively democratic approach to learning that begins in the early years and extends well beyond. Included in this discussion is the impact of developing teachers on an exponential basis in an equally conscientious manner via Collaborative Coaching Cycles/Groups made up of colleagues, specialists, community experts and partners in learning to include the parents and students in the school community. Attention to the environment, social emotional wellbeing, our rich inner life, and New Literacies round out possibilities to be discussed.