Stephen Faul

President & CEO - Frontier College
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Stephen Faul

President & CEO - Frontier College


Stephen Faul is President and CEO of Frontier College, a Canadian literacy organization. He has worked in a number of non-profit organizations including those focused on international development and food security. Stephen began his career as a broadcast journalist and is a previous presenter at the World Literacy Summit.

Changing lives and reducing poverty through the power of literacy!

In 2019, Frontier College released a national research report which reveals how increased literacy enables people to move out of poverty. The report’s key recommendation is that governments need to recognize literacy as not only a policy priority but a basic human right. Moreover, funders need to expand their thinking beyond support for single projects to include comprehensive, integrated programs.

In 2019, Frontier College, a 120 year old Canadian literacy organization, released a national research report which reveals how increased literacy enables people to move out of poverty. Formally called “Literacy and Essential Skills as a Poverty Reduction Strategy”, the report’s key recommendation is that governments need to recognize literacy as not only a policy priority but a basic human right. Moreover, funders need to expand their thinking beyond support for single projects to include more comprehensive, integrated programs.
The report notes that literacy instruction can provide low-skilled adults living in poverty with the knowledge, confidence, resilience, and autonomy they need to overcome the challenges they face. Taken a step further, literacy can empower individuals to make informed choices about their lives leading not only to employment, but also broader social inclusion and fuller participation in society.

Frontier College President Stephen Faul will deliver a presentation detailing the report’s key findings and recommendations. The report, funded by the Government of Canada’s Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program, and authored by the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC), was based on a comprehensive review of existing literature, and surveys among, and interviews with, literacy associations, poverty reduction organizations, service providers, policy makers, researchers, and individuals.